Transforming Lives, Empowering Destinies.

  • As received by the General Overseer (G.O.), Pastor E. A. Adeboye, and communicated to the Headquarters’ leaders, our vision and mission statement shall remain intact, with a qualifying addendum in view of the peculiarity of the demography in the North American region. They are as follows:
  • To make heaven.
  • To take as many people as possible with us.
  • To have a member of RCCG in every family of all nations.
  • To accomplish No. 1 above, holiness will be our lifestyle.
  • To accomplish No. 2 and 3 above, we will plant churches within five minutes walking distance in every city and town of developing countries and within five minutes driving distance in every city and town of developed countries.
  • We will pursue these objectives until every Nation in the world is reached for the Lord Jesus Christ.